- Shall you excuse his ignorance? 你要原谅他的无知吗?
- His show-off only serves to show up his ignorance. 他的卖弄只不过暴露了他自己的无知。
- Why are you always tolerant of his ignorance? 你为什么总容忍他的无知?
- I'm feeling tired: if you excuse me I think I'll his the hay. 我累了,如果你原谅我的话,我想上床睡觉了。
- They made a jest of his ignorance. 他们笑话他无知。
- He told a real whopper to excuse his lateness. 他撒了个大谎为自己的迟到辩解。
- Will / Would you excuse me (for a moment),please? 请问我能离开一会儿吗?
- We must make allowances for his ignorance. 我们对他的无知必须谅解。
- Will you excuse me for a short while,please? 请恕我暂时离开。
- Nothing can excuse his violent behaviour. 什么都不能为他的粗暴举动辩解。
- Where shall you go during the summer? 今年夏天你将到什么地方去?
- Would you excuse me for a short while,please ? 请允许我暂时离开。
- What knocks me most is his ignorance. 最让我吃惊的是他的无知。
- On no account shall you go to bed with the gas on. 您无论如何不可让煤气开着,自己去睡觉。
- Won't you excuse me for a little while? 请允许我离开一会儿好吗?
- We are astonished at his ignorance of his duties. 他对自己职责的无知令我们惊愕。
- Supposing it rains what shall you do? 假使下雨,你会怎么办呢?
- We can excuse his behaviour as youthful exuberance. 年轻人精力旺盛,所以他的行为我们也能原谅。
- He was derided of his ignorance. 他的无知被人嘲笑。
- Will you excuse me from the meeting ? 你能允许我不参加会吗?